Newsletters & Publications

Patent Filed

31thJanuary, 2023

A Patent is filed in the Indian Patent Office on Thirty First January, Two Thousand Twenty-Three. The patent is titled 'Smart Energy Management And Control System'.

Project Completion Review at TIDES IIT Roorkee

13thDecember, 2022

On the Thirteenth December, Two Thousand Twenty-Two, the project completion review at TIDES IIT Roorkee was held.

Progress Review Meeting at IIT Roorkee

27thJuly, 2022

On the Twenty Seventh July, Two Thousand Twenty-Two, progress review meeting was held at TIDES Business Incubation Office, IIT Roorkee.

Incubated By TIDES IIT Roorkee

09thJune, 2021

On Ninth June, Two Thousand Twenty-One, Suavy Technologies received the First Tranche from TIDES.

Suavy Technologies Founded

04thFeburary, 2021

On Fourth February, Two Thousand Twenty-One, Suavy Technologies Private Limited was Founded.

Suavy Technologies Selected for NIDHI Prayas

24thNovember, 2020

On Twenty Fourth November, Two Thousand Twenty, Suavy Technologies Private Limited was selected for NIDHI Prayas.